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Joseph William Sydney Adnams

Joseph William Sydney Adnams, ARP


Joseph Adnams was a Newbury bricklayer who lived at 2 Cromwell Road, Shaw. During WW2 he volunteered to serve as an ARP (Air Raid Precautions) Warden. The ARPs were an organisation formed in 1937 as a precaution in case of war and in recognition of the threat from above demonstrated by the German aircrew serving in the Spanish Civil War. Members would carry on their normal civilian activities when not required for training or carrying out duties such as blackout checks.


As a builder Joseph was tasked with the rĂ´le of damage assessment and stabilization; in the event of an air raid he would be involved with ensuring than damaged buildings were made safe as quickly as possible.


On 26 March 1941 the air raid sirens sounded in Newbury as German bombers were in the vicinity. One bomber dropped its deadly load over the town, possibly aiming for the Elliott's Albert Works to the west of Northbrook Street. Elliott's was a joinery company that was involved in the manufacture of aircraft parts, notably troop carrying gliders (though glider production was probably later than March 1941). However, no bombs landed on any occupied buildings all, fortunately, landing on the Northcroft (a public open space), allotments and gardens. The only casualties from the bombing were residents of the West Fields area some of whom suffered cuts from flying glass as their windows were shattered by the blasts.


Joseph, on hearing the sirens, immediately dropped what he was doing and rushed to his allocated station - sadly the excitement and exercise proved too much and he collapsed with a heart attack. He died at the ARP Rescue and Demolition Depot in London Road, Newbury. He left a widow, Rose Ellen.


His name is remembered on the memorial stone on the communal grave at Shaw Cementery that contains the remains of 19 Newbury civilians (including Joseph's) who died as a result of German bombings in WW2.

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 Died this day:
11 May 1945
K F Seward

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