![]() Click on image to enlarge |
ID: | WB040 |
UKNIWM: | 9082 |
Location: | Junction Bartholomew St & West Mills |
OS Map Ref: | SU471671 |
Description: | Cross and wall with bronze plaques |
Panel 1
Lorna Ferris
W J Himmons
P Hamblin
H S Griffin
A W Stevens
G H Ballard
A Nailor
T A Stillman
E B Pounds
A Gore
A J Shipley
A R Smallbone
S Smith
W G Mason
J French
J T Owen
J W Owen
A Parsons
J Bellinger
W C Bellinger
A W Plater
E Park
A R Rushent
E V Davis
A Mew
W C Bosley
A Rosier
P R Styles
E G Savage
F H Sharp
Panel 2
F P Frost
W H Allen
W H Barber
E F Rivers
F Partridge
J Partridge
C E Smith
A Wooldridge
S Wooldridge
J Bosley
H Maccabee
J Maccabee
R H Mees
P J Webb
W Crook
G N Swinley
S C Shelton
A M Shelton
G L H Gilbert
E Buckell
J Bowley
T A Maccabee
R J Maccabee
T G Hobbs
E Hobbs
A Perrin
G Hacker
J Middleton
P Quarterman
C Quarterman
Panel 3
C Munday
W Wickens
H Sawyer
F Sawyer
F Pearce
H B Baldwin
A J Fox
J Wilson
W Allaway
W H Lake
T V Marshall
W Chivers
H H Brown
W Hunter
A Hunter
R Mason
G Edwards
E R Edwards
T H H Perring
S E Deacon
F H Jones
S W Jones
F J Lipscombe
D C Pearce
A G Cruse
J A Hopson
B H Belcher
L J Benham
G W Herbert
F Holmes
Panel 4
B O Vockins
F J Preston
C E Bravant
W A Peirce
E G Westall
J Wigmore
A G Wyllie
A H Ellaway
A Swain
N Withers
F Newport
S J Davis
D J Salway
W H Giles
F Lait
A G Edwards
A J George
W G Gregory
F Sainsbury
G Stamford
J Seymour
M H Ballard
A King
J G Hayes
B W Baron
A Bartholomew
H A Thatcher
R Shutler
F Minchin
G F Austin
Panel 5
W J Perkins
H Marshall
A Marshall
W Barlow
G Brooks
O Humphries
G R Baker
M R B Liddle
W J Quintin
W Bosley
G Johnson
T W Johnson
F Lawrence
W H Palmer
R W George
F Westall
A Corderoy
G Pearce
C T Taylor
F W Lovell
G F Stevens
W Lawrence
H S Freeman
W H Pocock
B Povey
A J Walker
C Harrison
F W Powers
J Wheeler
H A R Fray
Panel 6
W H Ward
E Davies
H G Rosier
W J Jones
C Fisher
A Birch
A Illsley
P A Kemp
F R Beckley
A C Ashfield
A T Deacon
R Bentley
W A Tucker
W T Tucker
H W Parker
F W Smith
C A Newport
G H Barden
H L Barden
A Bance
A Brindley
V Starkey
G Allen
Panel 7
In memory of those who gave
their lives in the Great War
Panel 8
A F Blood
J H Digweed
C W Brown
C J Waldron
A Emblen
A Goodyear
C Trevor-Roper
G Trevor-Roper
A Musselwhite
R A Greenslade
A Crosswell
R F J Oliver
W J Aldridge
A J Aldridge
F Hemmings
W E Crocker
Panel 9
H Cockell
E J Crook
R Bailey
W Westall
E P Plenty
W E Giles
A G Busby
T W Baker
G Lock
B Bushnell
J A Buxey
F Payne
F L Allen
F E Curtis
C H Slade
A J Beaver
H C Bazett
G K Bazett
A H Davis
F G Lewis
G A Leather
N G Burgess
W E Vickers
H G Lovelock
W Piddington
R G Wheeler
F Mortimer
W F Whiley
G Wherrell
W F Hopkins
Panel 10
H W Howe
H E Breach
F G Breach
A G Rolfe
H G Rogers
S H Slade
G J Smith
A E Thomas
A H Butler
W S Luke
A Peel
W Elliott
G Dry
G H Smith
J H Smith
E A Smith
E W Brooks
G Wootten
E E Cooper
L A Harris
R G Taylor
A J Minchin
E Dangerfield
A W Freeman
R E Hamblin
JW Rumble
F Hayward
A E Canning
H C Lockyear
G Shefford
Panel 11
G Oram
C H Sims
W S Smith
R Smith
B W Smith
F Westall
T Crocker
F Church
G West
H P Ford
G Eaton
B Bew
H B Biddis
W King
E Noakes
R Ferris
S J Hughes
E Giles
F G Coburn
F W Clarke
E R Peachey
W J Peachey
S N Doggett
G Harrison
J W C Gough
A Furgusson
G Donovan
W O Wickens
B E Wickens
G L Wickens
Panel 12
R E Thorn
A J Geater
P R Hester
H Herbert
A J Smith
T C Skurray
C Whitehorn
P Buckingham
J A Grigg
F C Eary
F Woodley
S G Wilkes
A Prior
A V Knight
W T Frazer
L A Cramp
A Chivers
H N Winter
A New
A J Garrett
G Smart
C Scouse
G P Ravenor
H Ravenor
R B Ravenor
C Bloomfield
C H Eggleton
W R Povey
F Hammond
W Freemantle
Panel 13
F Tancock
D Tumblety
E H Deacon
D Gardner
C Harris
H Shaw
J Perris
W Annetts
F E G Pearce
S Giddings
F H Somerset
B Somerset
E Willis
A T Parsons
H A Turner
W Newman
R Swatton
C Hughes
H T Barrett
R F Drewell
H T Binks
W F Hopgood
A T Brazier
J O Nash
F J Lake
S J Brooks
T L Taylor
S G Hodges
C W Harvey
F Pibworth
Panel 14
W B Adams
F H Allday
W H Annetts
F B Ashfield
W S M Atkins
MG W Baigent
S C Bailey
F C L Bain
G W Baldwin
J T Bashford
C D Beales
W J Bell
P N Bing
D T Bowden
S S Brind
R H Brindley
N S Brown
D W Burridge
S J H Buss
A D Canning
J Champ
A E F Chivers
A J Claridge
J W Cole
G S Cole
G F Coles
R A Coles
H W S Cook
G Cottle
A G Crame
Panel 15
S Daniel
R C Davey
K Deness
M Dowling
A G Emmens
A E Emmens
R T Etherton
H L Evans
J M Evans
L H Farr
J Fawcett
L Ford
L A Foster
A J E Foster
R H Furlong
R C Furlong
R C George
G S Goddard
W Goodman
G C Gore
G F Gore
W H Gosnell
H W Goule DFC
R W J Greem DFM
W R W Groves
S Haines
W Handyside
F W Hardy
W T Hartland
R Harvey
Panel 16
S W A Hawker
F W Hill
D F Holland
R Honey
A J W Hopson
E E Hunt
R T Hunt
F J Hyde
F B Indge
G H James
L Jennings
C F Johnson
P Kemp
H G Kernutt
C Lake
L C Lawrence
S G Lewis
E J Lipscomb
F J Little
M Little
A F Lovelock
W Lynch
A E Mackrill
A H Manwaring
D S McPherson
F N Meddings
A Miles
H W Miles
A F Minchin
A G Murkett
Panel 17
In memory of those who gave
their lives in the World War
Panel 18
L Mutlow
G G North
G Nutley
M Parker
C V Parsloe
G N Patterson
E W A Peachey
E T Pearce
O R Peck
J C Perry
J Pett
W C Pink
O W Pitchford
J Pitt
A W Pryke
S A W Ravenscroft
S C Rawlings
W C Rawlings
E Ray
A E Read
J Rice
A F Rivers MM
F G Rothery
I R A Rudders Smith
R V Rummins
A R Russell
E H C Scaplehorn
F P Seward
K F Seward
J T Seymour
Panel 19
C H Shaw
P H Sheerman
W A Sillence
A E Smith
P B Smith
R G J Southey
J H Stevens
E Swingler
H G Thatcher
M D Thomas
W H J Thompson
K E W Thorne
F J C Tillett
N R A Townsend
J K Turner
R D W Uniacke
J H Vaughan
J F Webb
E R Webber
J W Wellington
E Wheeler
F N Wheeler
F N Whistler
F G Whitehorn
J R Wickens
T J Wilkins
E D Willcock
R N Willcock
A R Williams
T B Williamson
Panel 20
L F Willoughby
R R Winn
H Withers
H J Woodman
H R D Woods
D Benham
M M Benham
S R Bishop
L E J Brown
A Cooper
M E Cooper
H L Purdy
J P Petroney
M A Reid
C Singlehurst
H H Singlehurst
A E Spender
K V Spender
J Symes
E Wallin
J Vitale
Panel 0 - the Virtual Memorial
(Additional names not on the memorial - uncovered during recent research).
A G V Allen
J K M Baines
A J Baker
J H Baker
A G Ball
A Ballard
E Ballard
A W Barnicott
E H Bartlett
W Beauchamp
W Belcher
G H Betteridge
T R Beynon
J T Bowditch
H E Brocks
E J Butler
W J Butler
H Charlton
J A Concannon
P J Cook
A E Cox
B S Cox
W G Croshaw
H L Dance
J S Davis
E F Digweed
S G Dixon
G H Evans
C T Fidler
E Fisher
H G Flanders
F Foster
E H Franklin
C W Gore
F Gotelee
A Griffiths
A J Harris
G Harris
E J Hazell
F H Headlong
H Hewett
F L Hollister
H S Holmes
E F Hopwood
W T Hunt
A E Illman
J W Jarvis
J W Jenner-Clarke
C Kent
W J Kerr
A G Knapp
T R Knight
J Liddiard
F A Little
W H Manley
C E Michell
F H Miles
G Miles
G Nalder
A J Northway
H Palmer
R C Palmer
C H Potter
J Preston
A M Ravenor
W Sandbach
A Seward
A D Shafto
W H Shuttler
W J Simmons
A H Skeats
B Smith
H Smith
B S Smith-Masters
F W Stratton
C Summersby
E G Swain
C T R Swanborough
C Talmage
F Thompson
E J Thorn
W Tozer
F S Turk
G Wardle
J Wheeler
W L H Whiting
J Woodley
A R N Woods
W W Wootton
What the papers said:
Newbury War Memorial – Dedication Service, 1 Oct 1922.
Newbury Weekly News, 5 Oct 1922
Newbury War Memorial
Unveiling and Dedication : Simple and Stately Ceremony
Ecclesiastic and Civic : Dignified and Impressive
Touching Tributes by Relatives
Sunday afternoon witnessed the culmination of the many and varied attempts which have been made to provide a worthy memorial of the Newbury men who fell in the Great War. It is scarcely worthwhile, now that successful achievement has crowned the efforts of the promoters, to review the history of the efforts made to provide some form of public appreciation in honour of the hundreds of townsmen who gave their lives in defence of their country. There was always a genuine desire that whatever was done should be alike worthy of the town and those commemorated. Action was rather delayed, and by the time the Town Council moved in the matter most of the churches had already provided their own congregational memorials. The committee appointed was representative of all interests, but in the multitude of counsellors wisdom was not to be found. Many and varied schemes were put forward, more or less impracticable or unsuitable, Agreement was not forthcoming for a long time, and some began to despair that a town memorial would ever be an accomplished fact. Meanwhile the parishioners of St Nicholas had been passing through a similar process, but found a way out of their difficulty by seeking advice of a well-known authority on church architecture, and accepted his design of the replica of an ancient churchyard cross at Cricklade, Wilts. They raised a sufficient sum of money to carry out this plan on simple lines. The Corporation held a meeting, and the happy suggestion was made that overtures be made to the church committee to co-operate with the civic representatives in the creation of a joint memorial. The idea was warmly endorsed by all right-thinking people, who considered it most desirable that there should be unity of action in such a worthy cause. Strange to say, there was opposition in certain quarters, and it took much patient adversary to secure unanimous approval of the proposal. The town committee appealed for subscriptions and the response was sufficient to justify enlargement and elaboration of the original plans. It was agreed that the memorial should be erected at the north-east corner of the churchyard, a commanding and central position, with associations hallowed by centuries, and further that the site should be open to the public, this removing any objection on the ground that it was a denominational monument. Mr Mervyn Macartney, FSA, consulting architect to St Paul's Cathedral, was instructed to submit amended planes, which, after some minor alterations as to the method of recording the names, was approved by the diocesan authorities, to whom application had to be made for the issue of a faculty. The work was put in hand, and Sunday saw the memorial unveiled to public view; a graceful specimen of architecture, pleasing to the eye, and worthy of the object in view.
Unveiling and Dedication
The ceremony of unveiling and dedication was a dignified combination of ecclesiastical and civic state, simple in form, but dignified in impressiveness. The Bishop, as representing the Church, the Mayor as the Chief Citizen of the borough, were the chief actors in a memorable scene, in which many others played their parts with necessarily greater or lesser degree of importance. It was a gathering uniting all denominations, Free Church ministers were present as well as town and district clergy. The ceremony was fixed for three o'clock, but an hour before spectators began to assemble at various points of vantage, until the roadway from the Bridge to beyond the Arcade was packed with people. They extended into Mansion-house-street and lined the path on the southern side of the churchyard. Windows overlooking the scene were filled with sightseers, hundreds occupied space reserved in the churchyard for wives of those holding official positions. It is estimated that over 8,000 were present. A platform had been erected for parents and relatives of the Fallen men. The flag on the church tower was at half-mast, the bells were solemnly sounding a half-muffled peal. Presently the sounds of martial music were heard, and from the Market-place marched the Newbury Detachment of Territorials, under the command of Lieut Plumer, and a goodly muster of Ex-service men who had fought and suffered with those whom they now desired to pay a tribute of honour. They took up position lining the ground in front. Three Territorials were posted at the Memorial, resting with bowed heads on reversed arms, statuesque figures emblematic of respect for the dead. The combined bands, Newbury Town and South Berks Silver, conducted by Capt Bernard Ramsey, Mus Bac, burst forth into a stirring march, "Divisional Command," which imparted a military atmosphere. The along the churchyard path came slowly the procession. The white robed choristers, headed by the venerable cross-bearer, the clergy in academicals, preceded by the churchwardens bearing their wands of office. The Bishop, a picturesque figure wearing his doctor's robes and carrying his pastoral staff, walked at the end of the ecclesiastical procession. Then came the civic section. The mace-bearers in their old-time garb, carrying the handsome regalia, were followed by the Mayor in sable trimmed gown, with the gold chain around his neck, a dignified personification of civic authority. Following him were the Deputy-Mayor and the Town Clerk in wig and gown, then the Aldermen and Councillors, mostly in robes. Borough magistrates and officials came next, and finally the members of the Memorial Committee in civilian attire. Scattered here and there in the crowd were officers in the uniforms in which they served, many wearing medals and ribbons telling of gallantry and meritorious conduct. The Volunteer Fire Brigade acted as a guard of honour to the Mayor, and the Newbury Company of the GLB, with Boy Scouts were also on duty.
The Service
The order of service, copies of which, printed in violet, had been freely distributed, was of a simple character. Led by the bands and choir, the first verse of the National Anthem, sung heartily by the crowd, imparted a patriotic note. The Rev C V Pike, acting on behalf of the Free Church Council, read the Lesson with clear and elocutionary emphasis. It was a passage from the revelations giving the prophetic vision of the new Heaven and the new Earth, the holy city of the new Jerusalem, in which "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." The Rector offered prayers for those still suffering through the war, for peace and concord among the nations of the earth, ending with the Lord's Prayer, in which all joined. Next came the grand old hymn, "O God our help in ages past." Choir and band provided the foundation accompaniment, but the crowd took up the singing on their own. The conductor succeeded in obtaining certain musicianly effects, but it was an outburst of massed melody. This brought the proceedings to the point of unveiling, and the Mayor lowered the Union Jack which partially shrouded the monument. His Worship also removed the flags which had hidden the names from public view. The Bishop succeeded with the solemn act of dedication. Standing on the steps, he prayed that the Memorial might ever be hallowed by God's blessing. The, turning to the Memorial, and with upraised hand he offered the dedicatory prayer.
"Almighty and Everlasting God, we thank Thee for the courage and devotion of these our brothers who, going out from Newbury, returned not again, but laid down their lives for us. To this memory - praising and blessing Thee - we dedicate this Memorial, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
The Bishop gave an address, which had not been anticipated, but was all the more welcome because of its simple earnestness, sympathy with those who had lost their dear ones, and a call to service and self-sacrifice by those who remained.
Another hymn followed, "For all Thy saints," with its note of triumph and confident assurance of a glorious future state. The bands had full scope for impressive accompaniment, of which the conductor took full advantage. The Bishop, a central figure on the steps, with upraised hand, pronounced the Blessing as the huge crowd stood reverentially with bowed heads. The silence was broken with the solemn and haunting notes of the "Last Post," sounded by the buglers; another period of tense quietude, and finally the rousing strains of the Reveille. The flag was hoisted to the mast-head and the bells rang out joyously in full peal. Thus ended a memorable service, which will remain long in the recollection of all those who took part therein.
Floral Tributes
During the latter part of the service, the Mayoress (Mrs Griffin) acting on behalf of the Corporation and townspeople, placed a beautiful wreath of bay leaves and lilies, tied with purple and green ribbon, the civic colours, and bearing a card on which the borough arms were engrossed in colour, and the inscription: "From the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Newbury in Honoured Memory of the Glorious Dead. Our land inviolate; your monument." At the close of the ceremony, numerous floral tributes were placed around the base until they reached the shaft. Included was a harp with broken strings from the Newbury Town Band in remembrance of two of their comrades. The crown remained to inspect the floral offerings, which made a remarkable pile.
The Bishop's Address
Addressing those present as "Brothers and fellow citizens of our dear land," the Bishop said: We are gathered here this afternoon to pay our tribute of honour and affection to our brothers. Bone of our bond and flesh of our flesh, they shared their lives fully with us; they were men of like conditions as ourselves, conscious of their shortcomings, exposed to the difficulties, trials and temptations of life; and feeling their limitations, not one of the would have claimed to live upon the higher levels of life or to do anything heroic. They would have told us there was nothing of that kind about them, and that that must be left to somebody else. And then a great call came: Your King and Country need you. Then, without thinking of themselves, without thinking of whether it suited their convenience of their comfort, they just gave themselves, without reserve for service and self-sacrifice, and rose to the level of what our Lord and Master tells us is the only greatness in the world: "He that would be great among you, let him be as one that serveth, and serveth without reserve and without thinking of himself." As we gather here this afternoon, we lift our hearts with a sense of sorrow at our loss; we lift our hearts in thanksgiving and praise for the example of their self-sacrifice; we lift up our hearts with thankfulness that they should have mounted up to that high level of human service, and walk on the heights with their Lord and Master, who became obedient and learnt obedience until he was crowned with glory and honour by the suffering of death. But this they showed us, the exultation and the joy of complete service, the joy of self-sacrifice. Sometimes when I was in South London and saw companies of my young brothers on the way to London Bridge to entrain for Dover and thence to the trenches, marching along with a glow on their cheeks, I used to say what is it makes the difference between the going forth of these to their enterprise, and the man who trudges along to his place in the office, the council chamber and the business. Why is it the one steps out with the glow upon his heel and the ringing cheer, whilst the other trudges along unnoticed and unmoved, for if he is honest, industrious and intelligent, be is also serving his country and contributing to her salvation. You answer it is the romance and the enthusiasm of the soldier's life. It is the enthusiasm of self surrender and of a service which is quite complete, where nothing whatever has been held back, and where there is not a thought of self. When you can say it is just everything: home, comfort, career, even life itself that I give to the cause that claims me. Yea, I go to do the will of the dear land that calls be her son; I am content. And they proved to us the secret of true comradeship and true brotherhood. Hundreds and hundreds have told me they have never experienced anything like the comradeship there was in the trenches; both officers and men alike, because they were animated and claimed by the one high cause to which they devoted themselves. Who of you will doubt that today, in the face of our needs, the perplexities, the difficulties and trials of our time, what we need more than anything is a service like these men gave. A service for our land without reserve, not self-seeking but one that only gives itself for the common weal, and which will give all of us an inspiration, and enable us to catch the exultation of doing duty for our dear land. This is the only way we can get the reality of the brotherhood and comradeship. You will never get it by reciting programmes of some political change or some social reform. You will only get it by realising that your country needs you and by giving it of your very best. And our brothers are watching from beyond the grave to see how we are going to face the trials of these difficult times. They say to us, can't you rise to the level of service, of self-sacrifice, to the higher loyalties of that unswerving giving without a thought of self. And so it is that we dedicate our memorial. But we shall indeed dishonour those of our brothers of whom we are thinking today if we simply dedicate it and go on in just the same way. That is not what they want. They ask for a dedication of ourselves. Let today be a landmark in our lives. You who have come back again, when you think of those who are gone, lead the way and show us that spirit of service, of exultation of duty for duty's sake, and the joy of comradeship. Let us offer our resolve to God that we will go forth in the way our brothers have shown us, and dedicate ourselves anew to the service of our land and of our Master. Then we can sing a hymn of praise and thanksgiving, and only then; thanks be to God that giveth us the victory over our weaknesses, our shortcomings, our frailties, our selfishness; thanks be to God who has revealed to us the way of our victory over our own lives through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Memorial
The Memorial has been described as a replica of the ancient churchyard cross at Cricklade, Wilts, but this is not literally true as that exists only as a mutilated fragment. An endeavour has, however, been made to absorb the spirit of the ancient work of the 14th century. The form of the monument is generally known as the shaft-on-step type, and is of very graceful example. The total height is 17ft 6in, the shaft being 10ft 6in, the steps 3ft, and the cross-head 4ft. Surmounting the shaft is a beautiful tabernacle with recessed canopies containing four figures 2ft 9in in height, and resting on the heads of angels with outstretched wings. The figures are St Michael, with wings and a balance; St George and the dragon; St Nicholas, witch a child kissing the hem of his garment, and the emblematic three balls; St Martin, represented in his clerical garb, and a goose at his side. At the top is a floriated ornament in character. Surrounding the Memorial is a boundary wall of stone, in which are twelve recessed panels containing the names of the 330 men who fell. These were arranged by some form of ballot, so that there should be no suggestion of precedence. The only woman's name has been placed first, followed by that of the first man killed. In the centre panel is the inscription: "In memory of those who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918." The general design was by Mr Mervyn Macartney, FRIBA, FSA, and the stonework was carried out by Messrs T Thorn and sons, under the direct supervision of Mr Thorn, who devoted himself to the task with all the zeal of the ancient masons. The iron railings were from the foundry of Messrs Porter Turk and Co.
The Memorial Committee
The Memorial Committee was representative of all organisations, including members of the St Nicholas parish committee. The Mayor (Mr George Griffin) acted as chairman, and evinced keen interest all through, as did the Rector and other leading members. Lieut F L Plumer acted as hon treasurer, and Mr J W Rosling discharged the duties of hon secretary, which involved an endless amount of detail and daily attention. He carried it out with enthusiasm. The organisation of the unveiling ceremony was admirable, and congratulations were general to the hon secretary. The police, under the direction of Supt Maunders, regulated the traffic and huge crowd with efficiency and tact.
Those in the Procession
The clergy and ministers included the Lord Bishop of Oxford (Dr Burge), the Rector of Newbury (Rev L R Majendie), the vicar of St John’s (Rev E H Stenning), the Vicar of St Mary's, Speenhamland (Rev W J Holloway), the Rev C V Pike (Baptist), the Rev J H Green (Primitive Methodist), the Rev John Trevor (Presbyterian), and the Rev W Kingsley-Kefford (Rector of Shaw-cum-Donnington). The members of the Corporation present were the Mayor (Councillor George Griffin), the Deputy-Mayor (Councillor Adrian Hawker), Aldermen Charles Lucas, A Jackson, J N Day, J Stradling, and E Gould; Councillors F C Hopson, F D Bazett, A D Cater, Mac Davies, C W Burns, F Hill, A C Elliott, H R Metcalf, F A Greet, J R Witts, W J Butler, J H Thompson, W J Johnson; the officials including the Town Clerk (Mr Samuel Widdicombe), the Borough Surveyor (Major S J L Vincent), the Borough Treasurer (Mr W E V Tompkins), Mr R H Jeeves (Borough Accountant), Mr W R Davey (Gas Manager). Other present included Mr J A Fairhurst, one of the town's representatives on the Country Council, Col E A Stanton, representing the British Legion; the following Justices of the Peace, Messrs H J Midwinter, Dr Richard Hickman, A Camp, Sidney Pine, David Geater, W N Hunter and James Reynolds. There were also co-opted members of various committees and members of the War Memorial Committee, the Mayoress and members of the family, Major Rosling, etc, etc.
Newbury War Memorial – Dedication Service, 11 Nov 1950.
Newbury Weekly News, 16 Nov 1950
Remembrance Sunday Unveiling of New Borough Memorial
Townspeople of all denominations gathered on Sunday morning for the unveiling and dedication of Newbury's Memorial to the men and women who made the supreme sacrifice in the 1939-45 war, and the Remembrance Day service to those who gave their lives in both world wars.
The 1939-45 Memorial has been embodied in that commemorating the Fallen of the first war. The centre portion of the back wall has been built up to harmonise with the existing design and into new panels have been fitted cast bronze plates bearing in raised letters the names of those who laid down their lives in the recent war.
The names of the 1914-18 Fallen which were on stone tablets and were practically obliterated by weather have also been replaced on brass plates, bringing the whole scheme of commemoration into one permanent uniform character. The old spiked railings have been removed and on either side of the raised central porstion has been placed a short length of new railing.
£759 Addition.
Approximate cost of the new scheme is some £750. The stonework was carried out by Messrs T Thorn and Sons, of Newbury, who were responsible for the original Memorial. They were greatly delayed in the work because of a hold up in delivery of the stone, but they dropped all other orders and worked solidly for a month to complete it, despite the weather, in time for unveiling on Remembrance Day. The bronze work was by Messrs Gardeners and Sons, of Bristol. The committee responsible for drawing up and implementing the scheme was under the chairmanship of Mr R A Wickens.
The Mayor (Councillor J H Hole) and Corporation, with town officials, came in procession to the service from the Municipal Buildings, headed by the Town Marshal, Mr W Challis Franks, and the mace-bearers. From their assembly point in Park Way, ex-service organisations with their standards, pre-service units and other local bodies marched behind the band of Newbury British Legion to take up positions around the Memorial. Relatives of the Fallen were allotted a special place in front.
Accompanied by the band the crowd sang "O God our help in ages past," and then the Mayor stepped forward to ask the Rector, the Rev Bertram Russell, to dedicate the Memorial "in the name of God and to the memory of the men and women of this town who gave their lives in the world war of 1939-15."
The Unveiling.
The unveiling was by uniformed representatives of the Army and Royal Air Force, who removed the Union Jack and RAF Ensign which draped the tablets. All three services should have been represented but because of an unfortunate hitch the Royal Navy was not represented and neither was a White Ensign available to form part of the draping.
After the dedication came a prayer for peace and another hymn completed the ceremony. Then followed the annual service of Remembrance. The Rev R Taylor, Methodist minister, read the lesson and said prayers and the rector gave the address. On the stroke of eleven came the booming of a maroon and in the impressive two-minutes silence that followed were heard only the noise of a train and the idle talk of a child in a pram.
As the silence ended, the Last Post echoed out and after the Legion Exhortation by Mr F P Pirouet, Reveille sounded.
Memorial "A Challenge."
The Rector, in his address, said the Memorial stood, not only as a tribute to the Fallen, but, he prayed, it stood there as a challenge to the future. What, he wondered, would be their thoughts when day by day they passed by. Very great numbers of people would turn aside and look at the new Memorial, but what would be their impression? Would it be just a sigh of regret, or perhaps a little criticism as to why this or the other had not been done? He was sure great praise would be given to the actual design, but would there be in their minds the thought of the challenge that came to them?
Quoting the words of St Paul to the men of Corinth "Quit you like men, be strong," the Rector said this was no time for mere pious regrets or memories. This was a time for action. They honoured the Fallen, but they would never honour them so fully as when they quit themselves like men and were strong in the world in which they found themselves living.
"You and I know," continued the Rector, "that there is little fear of an armed invasion of this country at this moment. But is that the only thing we have to fear? Away in Korea, away in Malaya, our brothers and sisters together with the men and women of the United Nations Forces are holding up that tide of Communism which threatens to envelop the whole world."
After wreaths had been laid, the Mayor and Corporation attended morning service at the Parish Church, where the preacher was the Rev R R Woodfield, curate. The collection to be divided equally between the Earl Haig Fund and the S.S.A.F.A., amounted to £30 7s. 4d.

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17 February 1917 | |
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Newbury |

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